Amaryllis Bulb Planting |
Bird Feeder |
Bulb Lasagne Planting |
Calming Exercises in the Garden |
Celery Seed & Crown Plantings |
Create a Spring or Summer Suncatcher |
Creating Succulent Pumpkin |
Cultivating Gratitude |
Cut Flower Production |
Daily Gardening Tasks |
Dried Herb Wreaths |
Eco Seed Orbs |
Expanding Sense of Safety-Trauma & Trafficking Survivors |
Exploring Renewal & Personal Growth |
Fairy Garden Planters |
Flower Arrangement In a Box |
Flower Punk |
Forcing Blooms in Winter |
Forcing Paperwhites & Other Bulbs |
Garden Style Floral Arrangement |
Grass Seed Heads |
Growing Mindful Awareness in TH Activities |
Harvesting for Communal Meal |
Harvesting Herbs Grown for flowers |
Harvesting Herbs Grown for Leaves |
Herb Propagation from Seed |
Herbal Bath and Dresser Drawer Bags |
Insect Hotel |
I’m Tired: Plants & People |
Journal Collage with Dried Plant Material |
Lavender Misting Spray Atomizer |
Lavender Soap Balls |
Lavender Wand |
Leaf Print Cards Medical Conditions |
Leaf Prints |
Love & Heart-Shaped Leaves |
Making a Walking Stick |
Making Black Walnut Ink |
Meditation with Essential Oils |
Milk Jug 2 Mini Greenhouse |
Moss Frame |
Nature Artwork-Bereaved |
Nature Mandala |
Nature Picture Frames |
Origami Calendar with Seeds and Pressed Flowers |
Photographing Nature’s Micro Patterns |
Plant Spacing & Boundaries |
Planting Mint or Catnip in Garden |
Positive Energy Sun Satchel |
Propagating Herbs by Division |
Pruning Your Fears |
Ring in the New Year Plant Connections |
Seed Self Portraits |
Sowing Seeds in Winter |
Spring Kokedama in Vases |
Starting Jade Plants in Soil |
Taste & Spit Vegetables |
Teacup Planting |
Tending Garden Beds-Dementia |
Things I Love Tree |
Tillandsia Terraria - Air plant |
Upcycling Plastic Containers |
Valentine Kissing Ball |
Waiting for Water Chant |
Watering Medium Pots |
Watering Raised Beds & Outdoor Planters |