Environmental Horticulture Management Certificate (EHM)

All the courses in the Environmental Horticulture Management undergraduate certificate program are offered online. This is a 100% online certificate. 

Students completing the certificate will have the:

  • Ability to identify the impacts of light, temperature, humidity and the growing environment on plants and sustainable management practices in the greenhouse and/or landscape.
  • Ability to identify ways to reduce inputs (water, fertilizer, chemicals etc.) while maintaining high-quality ornamentals in the greenhouse and/or landscape.
  • Ability to evaluate and identify sustainable elements in greenhouse production plans and/or landscape plans.
  • Ability to analyze and modify fertilization and irrigation practices in the greenhouse and/or landscape to improve sustainability.


The objective of the certificate is to provide students with a background in sustainable ornamental horticulture practices used in the greenhouse/nursery and/or landscape industries.  The emphasis will be on conservation of resources through proper plant management and offers an alternative to individuals who want career advancement but do not need a BS degree.

Requirements:  Fifteen credits to be chosen by the student and advisor from the list of courses below.  Students must maintain a C or better in each course to earn the certificate.


  • Turfgrass Culture (4)
  • Introductory Nursery Management (4)
  • Greenhouse Crop Culture (3)
  • Environmental Plant Identification (2) – Summer even
  • Ornamental Landscape Management (3) - Spring
  • Nutritional Management of Nursery Crops (3) – Spring
  • Arboriculture (4)
  • Annual and Perennial Gardening (2) – Spring odd
  • Plant Propagation (2) – Fall even.
  • Landscape Plant Establishment (2) - Fall
  • Orchidology (3) – Spring odd
  • Pathway to Certification (2)
  • Floriculture (3)


This is a potential list of courses.  However, this list is subject to change depending on the instructor.

Prerequisites:  A high school diploma and basic understanding and/or coursework in biology, botany, zoology, chemistry, or permission from the department to participate

Costs of the program, click HERE.

To apply:


Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on New Student Application. 

For more information:

Contact Dr. Kimberly Moore, klock@ufl.edu