Environmental Horticulture Club
The ENH Club participates in leadership activities, fundraising, and traveling abroad. Leadership activities included a resume-building workshop, fundraising included the annual Poinsettia Sale and traveling and these are just a few of the club's many activities! The ENH Club is made up of diverse students with majors such as horticulture, engineering, and architecture.
The Environmental Horticulture Club aims to promote extracurricular learning and enjoyment. An important aspect of the Club is the fostering of student interaction. Speakers from industry make presentations at meetings. Social activities, community projects, and plant sales are all activities the club promotes.
ENH Club advisors
Erin Alvarez
Brian Owens
Club Officers |
President | Emely Weng |
Vice President | Katie Alcock |
Secretary | Kiara Bookman |
Treasurer | Chinyere Chukwu |
Historian | Rachel Beach |
Environmental Horticulture Graduate Student Association
The purpose of the EHGSA is to establish an open dialogue with faculty to learn how the changing university atmosphere affects our education and the quality of teaching within our department. To present a forum where graduate students can express ideas or concerns related to their education. To provide graduate students an opportunity to learn about professional as well as academic development in their respective fields. And to provide a social environment where graduate students can enjoy other aspects of graduate life.
For more information, contact club advisor
Club Officers |
President | Alexander Schaller |
Vice-President | Vania Pereira |
Secretary | Pablo Agustin Boeri |
Treasurer | Teagan Young |
GSC Representative | Brooks Parrish |
Faculty Representative | Sarah Tevlin |
Landscape Team
The landscape team is a group of University of Florida students who meet and train with faculty and industry professionals to develop professional skills in landscape horticulture.
Our students design and install landscapes from irrigation to annuals, study pest and plant identification, climb trees to put their arboriculture knowledge to practice, showcase sales and presentation skills, repair and operate equipment, and more.
Team members host and contribute to landscape workshops and service projects, participate in professional development and green industry events, and compete at the annual 3-day National Collegiate Landscape Competition (NCLC). Activities vary and are based on preparing members for industry careers and the NCLC competitive events each March.
Get involved by joining, supporting, or working with our team-find out more here or contact Coach Erin Alvarez via email or the interest form following link below.
Turfgrass Club
The University of Florida Turfgrass Club promotes extracurricular learning and enjoyment and fosters student, faculty, and industry interaction. The Turfgrass Club represents a student chapter of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) and sends representatives to this professional organization's national meeting.
Members belong to the Florida Turfgrass Association (FTGA) and participate in their annual conference and show. The Turfgrass club invites industry speakers to make presentations on career opportunities. They also plan several community projects during the year, including non-turf projects with local schools.
For more information, contact club advisor