ORH 4242: Arboriculture
Topics covered:
- Anatomy and Biology
- Tree structure and Mechanics
- Tree ID and Selection
- Soil Science and Water Management
- Plant Health Care and Nutrition
- Site Preparation and Design
- Tree planting and Establishment
- Pruning
- Nursery production
- Diagnostics and Disorders
- Construction and Veteran Tree Care
- Tree Risk Assessment
Spring 2022, 4 credit course
Tuesday 10:40 to 11:30 & Thursday 10:40 to 12:35
Building: MAEB, Room: 0238
Instructor: Ryan Klein
Lectures, videos, readings, and weekly assignments will be augmented by many applied indoor and outdoor exercises. Industry professionals from various backgrounds will guest lecture to provide real-world experiences and a better understanding of the opportunities available to students post-graduation.
Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills:Basic understanding of biological principles including introductory Dendrology, Botany, or equivalent is helpful but not necessary.
Syllabus: ORH 4242