(352) 294-5003
2023 Mowry Rd.
PO Box 103560
Gainesville, FL 32610
Horticultural Therapy and Nature Interactions
Leah Diehl creates and leads horticultural therapy and therapeutic horticulture (HT/TH) programming for diverse populations. For select HT/TH participant groups she recruits research participants, develops research protocols, and collects and evaluates data. She also conducts research on gardens and their restorative potential.
- Exploring the benefits of therapeutic horticulture in patients in gynecologic oncology: A pilot study. In collaboration with the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at the University of Florida: 2022-2023
- Pilot Study on Therapeutic Horticulture for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Mixed Methods Study. In collaboration with the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at the University of Florida: 2023
- Therapeutic Horticulture for Parkinson’s Care Partners. Supported by the Parkinson’s Foundation: 2023-Present
- The Effect of Therapeutic Horticulture on Student Wellbeing and Academic Resilience. Supported by the LoveIVLawrence Foundation, UF-CALS Dean’s Office, and UF President Sasse’s Strategic Funding Initiative: 2021-Present.
- A pilot randomized controlled trial of group-based indoor gardening and art activities demonstrates therapeutic benefits to healthy women. In collaboration with UF’s Environmental Horticulture Department, McKnight Brain Institute, and
- Therapeutic horticulture as a therapeutic intervention in patients receiving electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) treatment for major depressive disorder. In collaboration with UF’s Department of Psychiatry: 2018-2020.
- Nature-based activities for older adults: A case study in Singapore. In collaboration with Angelia Sia and the National Parks Board of Singapore: 2020
- Therapeutic horticulture as a quality-of-life intervention in chronic hemodialysis patients. Supported by Dialysis Centers Incorporated: 2014-2016.