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Nursery Crop Production

With over 7,000 registered nurseries, Florida ranks only behind California in terms of the volume of wholesale nursery products. The farm gate value of Florida nursery crops was $3 billion based on an economic study conducted in 2005, and there were 58,000 acres of container production and 23,000 acres of field or in-ground production. Our production research programs are aimed at supporting growers with improved production information that allows them to be more successful, produce a better product for the consumer, and be better environmental stewards.  We are an active partner in the Floriculture Research Alliance, a university-industry consortium for applied research on production, propagation, and shipping of young plant material. 


Paul Fisher

Paul Fisher

Production Management, Floriculture
(352) 276-4506

Mica McMillan

Mica McMillan

Assistant Professor
Palm Horticulture Specialist
(954) 577-6330

Kimberly A. Moore

Kimberly A. Moore

Professor and Academic Coordinator
Plant Production
(954) 577-6328

Mack Thetford

Mack Thetford

Associate Professor
Woody Plant Identification, Landscape Management, Plant Propagation
(850) 983-7130

Wagner Vendrame

Wagner Vendrame

Ornamental Horticulture and Plant Tissue Culture

Sandra Wilson

Sandra Wilson

Invasive Ornamentals, Native Propagation
(352) 273-4576

Mica McMillan

Mica McMillan

(954) 577-6330
Fort Lauderdale REC
3205 College Avenue
Davie, FL 33314


Dr. McMillan is a soil scientist focused on nutrition and water stress of palms and ornamentals. Her research focus is on novel media and chemistries that improve water distribution and nutrient uptake to improve plant health and yield.  Dr McMillan’s research program is focused on hydrophilization of water-repellent soils, improving germination of seeds, and methods to improve plant uptake of nutrients to reduce runoff and leaching. Some of her research will focus on transplant stress, water quality issues and studying saltwater intrusion.