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Intelligent Cultivation of Urban Ecosystems:
A.I. + X. R. for Gardens Workshop

December 1st, 2023

Researchers from the University of Florida and industry discuss artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented / virtual reality (“extended reality” or “X.R.”) for the cultivation of ecological urban landscape gardens. Topics include computer vision and machine learning, 3D reconstruction, software for ecosystem design and maintenance, plant databases, natural language processing of plant text data, and recommender systems for selecting plant species and intelligently placing them in 3D X.R.

Workshop Announcement (pdf)

For additional information contact Howard Beck ( or Lance Legel (

Dr. Howard Beck

See Slides

Austin Stanbury and Ines Said of Augmented Info Systems

Lance Legel and Rob Cohn of

See Slides

Lance Legel of

See Slides

Dr. Eban Bean

See Slides (.pdf)


Dr. Ryan Klein

See Slides (.pdf)