Home > Tree biology > Growth increment
Tree biology
Contents: - periderm - phellem - cork cambium - phelloderm - cortex - phloem- phloem rays - sieve tube element - companion cells - cambial zone (cambium) - bark - xylem - growth ring - vessels - tyloses - parenchyma - axial parenchyma - multiserrate ray parenchyma - uniserrate ray parenchyma - fibers - symplast - apoplast - growth ring/ray compartment -wounding response - decay development
Select any of the above terms to view its location in the tree cross section. Text at bottom.
growth increment has been referred to as a growth ring because most folks
who study trees do so in cross section. In temperate regions of the world,
one growth increment may represent one year's growth. In tropical regions,
many growth increments might be generated in a given season. It is difficult
to see annual growth increments in tropical regions. It is more difficult
to see growth increments in roots than in stems. Larger vessels are generated
on the tree represented above in the early part of the growing season
than later in the year. This type of tree would be referred to as ring
porous. Other trees generate similar-sized vessels throughout the growing
season. These are referred to as diffuse porous. Many tropical trees develop
vessels of similar size throughout the year.