University of Florida

Home > Tree biology > Axial parenchyma

Tree biology

Contents: - periderm - phellem - cork cambium - phelloderm - cortex - phloem- phloem rays - sieve tube element - companion cells - cambial zone (cambium) - bark - xylem - growth ring - vessels - tyloses - parenchyma - axial parenchyma - multiserrate ray parenchyma - uniserrate ray parenchyma - fibers - symplast - apoplast - growth ring/ray compartment - wounding response - decay development

Select any of the above terms to view its location in the tree cross section. Text at bottom.

compartments axial


Axial parenchyma originate from the cambium forming a network of living cells around the tree. They transport sugars (food) to the parenchyma cells within the growth ring, and they store starch.