University of Florida

2008 Monet Twilight

Growth Regulators Applied / Height graph

Graph shows projected plant heights during production of the crop. Dots are plotted actual height each week. Arrows indicate when PGRs are applied with details in the weekly notes. We use the “late” graphical tracking curve and heights are from bench to height of growing tip. Heights are plotted from date of pinching to projected date of finish.

Growth regulator height graph


Monet Twilight December 2nd12/02

These Monet Twilight are ready on schedule and heights are where we wanted them. This is a more vigorous variety and the pinch date was a week later than for Prestige Red. The low Bonzi drenches at 0.1 ppm worked well for controlling size. The late Bonzi drench at 1 ppm on Nov. 18 may not have been required, but provided some insurance against this variety’s potential for late growth.

Monet Twilight November 25th11/25

This crop of Monet Twilight looks good. Some plants are ready now and all will be next week.

Monet Twilight November 18th11/18

This crop of Monet Twilight has responded to the increase in greenhouse temperatures. This is a variety that can become too tall and weak if the plants are growing too much at the end. In an attempt to avoid this, we are applying a late Bonzi drench at 1 ppm. The crop looks like it will be ready in about 1.5 weeks.

Monet Twilight November 11th11/11

This crop of Monet Twilight looks good and should finish on schedule. We will see were the crop is next week, but do not expect it will need a late drench.

Monet Twilight November 4th11/04

The slower growth on this group of Monet Twilight means we are less likely to need another drench. The plants look good and should finish on time. We will see what they do the next couple of weeks.

Monet Twilight October 28th10/28

These Monet Twilight look good and are not being too aggressive. We are applying another 0.1 Bonzi drench this week, which should slow elongation a little more. We plan to do a late drench when the height is between 13 and 14 inches. First color is starting on a few of these plants.

Monet Twilight October 21st10/21

We are not treating this Monet Twilight crop this week. The plants are not elongating too much and we should be able to manage finish height with 1 or 2 more drenches. It probably would have been fine to do another 0.1 Bonzi drench this week. If temperatures were warmer like last year, we would have made another application this week.

Monet Twilight October 14th10/14

This crop is about where we had anticipated and we are applying an early Bonzi drench at 0.1 ppm. We would like for these plants to grow about an inch per week over the next 3-4 weeks. If temperatures were predicted to be warmer we would have used a higher rate to have more control.

Monet Twilight October 7th10/07

The milder weather and two Bonzi drench applications have this Monet Twilight crop in good shape at this point. We expect height to be along top of curve next week. Since we are using drenches on this crop we do not have to treat now and can see how they progress. If we were using sprays, we would spray this crop this week to gain more control as we get close to spray cut off dates.

Monet Twilight September 30th9/30

This Monet Twilight crop should be entering a phase of rapid growth and we want to keep them under control. Thus, we are applying a second early drench of Bonzi at 0.1 ppm.

Monet Twilight September 23rd9/23

We applied a drench to these Monet Twilight last week and are not treating this week. We do expect to make another application probably next week or maybe in 2 weeks.

Monet Twilight September 16th9/16

Because Monet Twilight can be difficult, we going to be a little aggressive with PGR applications and are doing an early drench at 0.1 ppm. Now we will see how the crop responds over the next couple of weeks.

Monet Twilight September 9th9/09

Monet Twilight is this year’s example of a vigorous variety that can be difficult to control. You can see examples of Monet Twilight in 2002. Because of its growth habit, we planted and pinched this crop a week later than our normal schedule for medium vigor varieties like Prestige Red.