2010 Orion Red
Growth Regulators Applied / Height graph
Graph shows projected plant heights during production of the crop. Dots are plotted actual height each week. Arrows indicate when PGRs are applied with details in the weekly notes. We use the “late” graphical tracking curve and heights are from bench to height of growing tip. Heights are plotted from date of pinching to projected date of finish.

These Orion Red finished earlier than we scheduled and the plants look good. Our strategy of having the heights below the curve in Oct. worked out well. Last year we had to start applying the higher rate drenches on Oct. 13, while this year it was Oct. 26. This later application allowed for more bract expansion and a better final appearance.
This Orion Red crop looks good. All of the plants are showing pollen and the warmer day temperatures recently have pushed the crop to an early finish
We let this group of Orion go too long without any growth regulator and the 0.5 ppm drench applied last week was not enough to control growth during this warm weather. We thought we had avoided this situation but we did not. So now we will have to be more aggressive in trying to control elongation and will apply a late Bonzi drench at 1 ppm. Hopefully, there is enough bract develop now and there will not be too much effect on bract appearance. The crop is finishing ahead of our schedule.
With no PGR applied to these Orion in 3 weeks, they grew about 1.5” in this warm weather. We had them below the curve enough that this did not cause a serious problem. Bract development is good and ahead of schedule. It would be possible for this crop of Orion to grow 3 inches in next 2 weeks. We do not want that much growth, but we do not have to put on a full late drench. So, we are applying a late Bonzi drench at 0.5 ppm, which is half of the normal rate.
Right now this crop is just where we wanted it. Orion can grow at the end and could produce more than an inch per week for next 3 weeks.
These Orion are showing first color this week and likely will finish earlier than the projected date. Elongation was less than we expected this past week. We will see where they are next week.
This crop of Orion is about where we want it at this stage. Plants look like they may be showing first color next week.
The plan for this group of Orion was to have heights near bottom of curve by this week or next. At this point, we want to keep elongation slow, so we are drenching with Bonzi at 0.1 ppm.
This crop of Orion seems be under good control from the 0.1 ppm Bonzi drench applied last week. Elongation looks good for being at bottom of curve in 1-2 weeks and we will see if another drench is needed next week.
These Orion have resumed elongation. In 2-3 weeks we would like to have this crop near bottom of curve, so we will drench at least twice during this period. Today we are applying an early Bonzi drench at 0.1 ppm.
We drenched this Orion crop last week. With the good weather we are having we might need to drench the crop again next week.
For Orion this year, we want to be a little more aggressive early in the crop, so we are applying an early Bonzi drench at 0.1 ppm.
Orion is a popular early variety. We have it on a schedule similar to last year’s. If temps are hot and the plants get off to a strong start as they did last year, we will be a little more aggressive with the Bonzi drench early in the crop to reduce the amount needed at the end.