2010 Ice Punch
Growth Regulators Applied / Height graph
Graph shows projected plant heights during production of the crop. Dots are plotted actual height each week. Arrows indicate when PGRs are applied with details in the weekly notes. We use the “late” graphical tracking curve and heights are from bench to height of growing tip. Heights are plotted from date of pinching to projected date of finish.

This crop of Ice Punch has worked out well. It is as tall as we want but has good stem strength. The combination of sprays early and then Bonzi drench applications worked well to control elongation. The plants were at a good height in middle of Oct. when the warm days caused more elongation. The late Bonzi drench at 1 ppm on 11/2 was successful because the plants were not too big and not overly crowded on space.
This crop now looks like it will finish fine and not be too tall. We have pretty good stem strength. They are on schedule for next week.
The Bonzi drenches the past two weeks have slowed this crop. Bract development is on schedule and the first white is starting to show in bracts. We are not doing a PGR application this week, which is a decision designed to optimize bract development. The plants may finish a little over 16”, but they will be fine.
This crop of Ice Punch has grown almost 4” in the past 2 weeks and has gotten into the situation we wanted to avoid. We are applying a late Bonzi drench at 1 ppm. Since we know this variety is not very responsive to PGRs, the crop likely will finish near 17”.
These Ice Punch are showing color and buds this week. They grew almost 2” this past week and we need to try to slow them down. We are applying a Bonzi drench at 0.2 ppm.
Last week’s Bonzi drench seems to have slowed this crop just a little. Now we will see where they are next week.
These Ice Punch resumed rapid growth this past week and the plants look good. It is important to not let this variety get away from us at this stage. So, we are applying a Bonzi drench at 0.1 ppm.
The response to last week’s spray was greater than expected, and we will see how they grow this next week.
The spray applied to this crop 2 weeks ago worked well, but the plants have started growing again. Now is about the date of initiation for Ice Punch in Florida and this is the last chance for a strong spray before the B-Nine cutoff date. So we are spraying a medium rate of B-Nine (1,500 ppm) and Cycocel (1,250 ppm).
The medium rate of B-Nine and Cycocel sprayed last week is providing good control for these Ice Punch, and we are not treating again this week.
It is important to get Ice Punch off to a good start and make sure plants are growing. Now the challenge will be to control growth. This week we are spraying a medium rate of B-Nine (1,500 ppm) and Cycocel (1,250 ppm).
We are not treating this Ice Punch crop this week. Plants are getting off to a good start so we will probably make an application next week.
Ice Punch is a strong growing variety and we had considerable difficulty controlling it in last year’s high temperatures. It is on a similar schedule this year and our strategy is to be more aggressive early in the crop.