2010 Mars Red
Growth Regulators Applied / Height graph
Graph shows projected plant heights during production of the crop. Dots are plotted actual height each week. Arrows indicate when PGRs are applied with details in the weekly notes. We use the “late” graphical tracking curve and heights are from bench to height of growing tip. Heights are plotted from date of pinching to projected date of finish.

Our schedule is off for this variety. After this year that was cooler and last year that was hotter, we should be scheduling for Mars to finish later. Then due to its vigor it needs to be on a shorter schedule with less vegetative time. Probably planting about Sept. 1 and finishing about Dec. 1 would be a better schedule. This would be 11 weeks from pinch to finish. Mars has smaller than average leaves and bracts, so the shorter schedule would produce a less dense plant. An alternative would be to keep 12 weeks from pinch to finish but use much more PGR in the middle of the crop to prevent it from elongating so much in late October.
This crop has slowed down some. We are not treating again and will accept the taller plants.
Despite the two drench applications the past two weeks, this crop has continued to stretch. The plants appear to be about 3 weeks from finish. The warm day temperatures should continue for the next week. So, we are doing another Bonzi drench at 1 ppm. This is a strong application and we are trying to stop elongation.
The 0.2 ppm Bonzi drench put on last week had some effect on elongation of this crop of Mars Red. Mars can be vigorous and still grew more than we wanted this past week. We want to continue slowing elongation, and a Bonzi drench at 0.5 ppm is being applied this week. There is not enough bract development to be comfortable with a full late drench rate (1 ppm), which is why we are using a half rate. Depending on how the crop does, we may do another drench next week. The plants look like they have at least 3 weeks to finish.
This crop showed what Mars can do in warm temperatures. Early signs of color are just starting on some plants. The crop is about a week ahead of last year, but appears a little behind our scheduled finish date. Last year was hot with significant heat delay and from this point to end we applied 4 Bonzi drenches at 0.5 ppm each. This year’s crop is an inch shorter at this date and weather should be cooler. We are applying a Bonzi drench at 0.2 ppm and will see if that gives us the control needed.
These Mars appear to be in good shape at this point. We anticipate doing a late Bonzi drench in 2 weeks.
This crop grew a little over an inch this past week and the shoot tips look like they will keep growing. Mars has good vigor, so we want to keep it under some control. We are applying a Bonzi drench at 0.1 ppm this week.
Heights for this crop of Mars is very good at this point. The plants do look like they will continue elongating.
This crop of Mars has now resumed elongation and the plants look good. Since this variety can be a little aggressive, we do not want it to grow too much and are applying another Bonzi drench at 0.1 ppm.
The drench applied 2 weeks ago, which was only a week after pinch, has slowed elongation of these Mars plants more than anticipated. However, plants do look like they will resume elongation now.
We applied a drench to this crop last week. We are not treating now and will see where heights are next week.
Since Mars Red is a strong growing variety, we are applying the first early Bonzi drench this week at 0.1 ppm.
Mars Red is a strong growing variety and we had considerable difficulty controlling it in last year’s high temperatures. It is on a similar schedule this year and our strategy is to be more aggressive early in the crop.