2010 Christmas Beauty
Growth Regulators Applied / Height graph
Graph shows projected plant heights during production of the crop. Dots are plotted actual height each week. Arrows indicate when PGRs are applied with details in the weekly notes. We use the “late” graphical tracking curve and heights are from bench to height of growing tip. Heights are plotted from date of pinching to projected date of finish.

Pollen is showing on all of these Christmas Beauty and the crop has finished on schedule. The plants are compact with a nice uniform shape. This has been a fall where height control has not been a problem on most crops. Because of the compact nature of this variety we probably should add a week to the schedule and have 13 weeks from pinch to finish.
This crop will finish on time next week at bottom of target heights.
These Christmas Beauty look like they will finish on schedule. The plants continue to look good. The crop is slowing down, so we now expect it will finish at about 14”.
This crop of Christmas Beauty continues to look good. The plants are growing, but the internodes are staying compact. The plants appear to be 2.5-3 weeks from finish and at this pace will finish at 15-16”.
These Christmas Beauty plants look very good. Good color is showing now and they should finish fine in about 4 weeks. Hopefully, they will continue growing at about an inch per week.
These plants have excellent branching and produced a lot of leaves. However, internodes are compact, so the plants have a compact and tight appearance. Hopefully, they will continue growing at about an inch per week.
These Christmas Beauty plants look good. We will see how they develop from here. They look like first color will be next week.
These Christmas Beauty showed a significant effect from the light spray applied last week. The plants look good and we will see how they develop from here.
This Christmas Beauty crop looks good at this point, but it would be best to slow the rate of elongation a little. The crop responded well to the light spray applied 2 weeks ago so we are again applying a B-Nine and Cycocel spray at the low rates of 1,000 ppm each.
This crop continues to look good. The spray applied last week had a little more effect than expected.
These Christmas Beauty plants are showing good uniform branching. The lateral shoots not elongating too fast. We are applying a B-Nine and Cycocel spray at the low rates of 1,000 ppm each, which should just slow elongation a little.
This crop is branching well and looks good.
Christmas Beauty is a new variety that performed very well in the National Variety Trial last year. We anticipate it to have medium vigor and not be too difficult. We will start with B-Nine and Cycocel sprays and shift to a Bonzi drench if needed.