University of Florida

Home > Nursery tree production > Root system > Field production > Research-base procedures > Root pruning

Root pruning field grown trees

Field grown tree that was regularly root pruned during production Field grown tree that was not regularly root pruned during production

This is a superior quality root system on a field grown tree because it was root pruned regularly during nursery production. (See a sample root pruning protocol). A dense root system can also result from superior genetics.

See information on slicing roots on liners as they are planted into the field nursery to prevent the problems shown on the tree in the right-hand photo.



This is a fair quality root system on a field grown tree from a root density standpoint. No root pruned was done at planting or during its time in the field nursery. Notice the circling roots close to the trunk resulting from liner production in a #1 container. This results from not slicing the roots when the tree was planted in the nursery as a young liner. The lack of fine roots is due to lack of root pruning during production. It can also be due to inferior genetics.