Pinus clausa
Common name(s): Sand Pine
Plant type: evergreen large tree
Primary method of propagation: seed
Alternate propagation method(s): cutting, layering, grafting/budding
Propagation by Cuttings
Cutting type: stem tip
Time of year to take cuttings: late Autumn
Cutting maturity: semi-hardwood
Rooting hormone: IBA TALC 8000 PPM
Rooting environment: intermittent mist
Soil temperature for best rooting: 75-80 degrees F
Time to rooting: 16-22 weeks
Comment: Juvenile cuttings from younger trees root best.
Propagation by Seed
Time of year to collect seed: early Autumn
Time of year to sow seed: Summer
Seed treatment: 40 degrees F for 2 months.
Preferred temperature for germination: 72 degrees F
Time required for germination: 2-6 weeks
Comment: Fungicides to control damping off. Kiln drying cones.
Propagation by Layering
Type of Layering: air
Time of year to layer: early Summer
Wounding: remove a ring of bark
Propagation by Grafting
Time of year to graft: late Winter
Type of graft: side graft