Environmental Horticulture Graduate Program

Environmental Horticulture Graduate Program

Graduate Programs of Study: Masters of Science (MS)



Mallory Buchyn
Graduate Program Specialist
Fifield Hall, Room 1539

Gail Hansen
Fifield, Room 1139

Use your research skills in the laboratory or in the field to make a difference in the world around you and get the chance to share what you've learned with the next generation of scientists.

Unlock genetic secrets to quality flowers and plants or use your knowledge of horticulture to help further habitat restoration and conservation. Turning from student to teacher and researcher starts here.

This degree requires a minimum of 30 credits, including a minimum 24 credits of regular coursework and 6 credits of thesis research (HOS 6971). Coursework taken for program credit must be numbered 5000 or higher. At least 12 of these course credits must be in the field of study designated by the major. Up to six hours of undergraduate courses (3000-4999) outside the major department may be used for support coursework when taken as part of an approved graduate program. The Master of Science degree is granted following satisfactory completion of all course work, a research project leading to the presentation and completion of a thesis, and passing the final examination.


Industry Jobs

Academic Jobs

Government Jobs


  • Research and development for a plant tissue culture lab or commercial nursery
  • Personnel management
  • Curator of plant collections at a botanical garden
  • Extension agent
  • High school instructor
  • Community college and university instructor
  • Account executive
  • Lab manager
  • Biological scientist
  • Botanic garden director
  • USDA researcher
  • Natural Resource Management Agency
  • $35,000 – $45,000 depending on location and experience