Environmental Horticulture Graduate Program

Environmental Horticulture Graduate Program

Graduate Programs of Study: Environmental Horticulture, PhD


Mallory Buchyn
Graduate Program Specialist
Fifield Hall, Room 1539

Héctor Pérez
Bldg 550, Room 103

Go beyond structured research and find a path that you can call your own.

Put your independent thinking skills to work with the assistance of outstanding research faculty. Learn to design, conduct, and interpret independent, original, and creative research.

Doctoral study consists of the independent mastery of a field of knowledge and the successful completion of a research project. Doctoral programs are flexible and varied.

A minimum of 90 semester hours beyond the B.S. degree or equivalent is required for the doctoral degree, but up to 30 credits earned in an approved Master of Science program in Horticulture or closely related areas may count toward this minimum. Coursework taken for program credit must be numbered 5000 or higher. Up to six hours of undergraduate courses (3000-4999) outside the major department may be used for support coursework when taken as part of an approved graduate program. A written and oral qualifying examination and final dissertation defense is required of all doctoral students.

Industry Jobs

Academic Jobs

Government Jobs


  • Research 
  • program manager
  • Private consulting
  • Researcher
  • Extension agent
  • College professor
  • College researcher
  • College administrator
  • Regulatory agency research scientist or program manager
  • $45,000 – $100,000 depending on location and experience