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Good examples of canopy over the street

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Trees can eventually form a closed canopy over the street when provided with adequate open soil space for root expansion and close enough spacing between trees. Notice that in all cases below, trees have access to large volumes of soil for root expansion. If trees are to grow large, they must have access to open soil space unless special provisions are made. Open soil space is soil that is not covered by a hard surface such as a sidewalk, pavement or a building.


trees over street

Complete canopy over street - Pennsylvania


trees over street

Complete canopy over street - St. Augustine


trees over street

Complete canopy over street - Washington


trees over street

Complete canopy closure Parma, Italy


trees over street

Canopy closure along street - Parma, Italy


trees over street

Close spacing, healthy trees


trees over street

Canopy over street, barely Miami


no canopy closure over street

Healthy trees, no canopy closure - Charleston


too far apart for canopy closure

Spacing too far for canopy closure - Miami