University of Florida

Home > Nursery tree production > Root system > Propagating quality liners > Liner pot impacts root quality > Holly

Holly grown in different propagation containers

Dahoon holly (Ilex cassine) in four different propagation container types grew different root systems in the first 4 months (stuck August 10, harvested December 10) after sticking cuttings. Cuttings were stuck about 1.5" deep. Four examples of each container type are shown below.

Elle Pots

dahoon holly liners

Finished dahoon holly liners in Elle pots made of thin paper.

peeling paper of elle pot

Peeling off the paper of an Elle pot.


root system from elle pot

Root system from Elle pot had few roots deflecting down and around the pot. Note some roots growing from the stem were right at the surface.

roots oriented radially away from trunk

No roots circled the trunk. Most were oriented radially away from the trunk. Roots on trees in these pots were borne right at the surface. Roots on trees in the other pots were not produced at the surface; they were about 2 cm deeper. In other words there were few growing from the top 2-3 cm of the stem.

A square black plastic container

roots growing up and town around container

Roots grew up, down and around the black plastic container periphery.

roots grew around trunk

Roots grew around the trunk at the edge of the container.




roots grew up side

Many roots grew up the sides of the plastic container toward the soil surface.



roots grew up sides of plastic container

Many roots grew up the sides of the plastic container toward the surface. Roots growing up often turn and grow around the periphery of the container and can become stem girdling roots.

Smooth-sided cone

roots grew around trunk

Many roots grew around the trunk at the periphery of the container. These can become stem girdling roots later unless removed when trees are shifted to larger containers.

roots around trunk

roots grew at top of container

Many roots grew up at the top of the container and down in the middle and bottom of the container.

roots growing up can become stem girdling roots

Roots growing up can become stem girdling roots later. These should be removed when trees are shifted to larger containers or planted into field soil.


Smooth-sided square containers

liner in smooth container

roots defected down from container

Roots hit the side of the container shown at left and were directed down. Some roots grew around, but most grow down when they meet the sides of the container.

large root growing around top of container

A large root is growing around the top of the container.

some roots growing at surface

Some roots grew up toward the surface.