FloraGator covers the 196 flowering plant families known to exist in the natural areas of Florida. The family classifications on this site follow the APG III system published by the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group in 2009. If you are using a flora that follows an older classification system, the Wikipedia links in the column on the right can help steer you to the equivalent grouping. |
Monocots![]() |
Name | Genera/ Species in FL |
Genera/ Species total |
Notes |
Alismataceae the Water Plantain Family |
3/18 | 17/111 | Wikipedia page: Alismataceae (see also Limnocharitaceae) |
Alstroemeriaceae the Alstroemeria Family |
1/1 | 3/280 | 1 species in FL: Alstroemeria pulchella Wikipedia page: Alstroemeriaceae |
Amaryllidaceae the Amaryllis Family |
10/40 | 72/1,450 | Wikipedia page: Amaryllidaceae (see also Alliaceae) |
Araceae the Arum Family |
20/33 | 104/3,300 | Wikipedia page: Araceae (see also Lemnaceae) |
Arecaceae the Palm Family |
21/27 | 190/2,000 | Wikipedia page: Arecaceae |
Asparagaceae the Asparagus Family |
13/29 | 34/540 | Wikipedia page: Asparagaceae (see also Agavaceae, Anthericaceae, Hyacinthaceae, & Ruscaceae) |
Bromeliaceae the Pineapple Family |
6/22 | 59/2400 | Wikipedia page: Bromeliaceae |
Burmanniaceae the Burmannia Family |
2/4 | 13/130 | Wikipedia page: Burmanniaceae |
Cannaceae the Canna Family |
1/4 | 1/20 | 1 genus in the family: Canna Wikipedia page: Cannaceae |
Colchicaceae the Autumn Crocus Family |
2/4 | 20/200 | Wikipedia page: Colchicaceae |
Commelinaceae the Spiderwort Family |
5/28 | 39/640 | Wikipedia page: Commelinaceae |
Costaceae the Spiral Ginger Family |
1/1 | 4/110 | 1 species in FL: Costus pulverulentus Wikipedia page: Costaceae |
Cymodoceaceae the Manateegrass Family |
2/2 | 5/16 | Wikipedia page: Cymodoceaceae |
Cyperaceae the Sedge Family |
20/269 | 104/5000 | Wikipedia page: Cyperaceae |
Dioscoreaceae the Yam Family |
1/6 | 4/800 | 1 genus in FL: Dioscorea Wikipedia page: Dioscoreaceae |
Eriocaulaceae the Pipewort Family |
3/12 | 10/1000 | Wikipedia page: Eriocaulaceae |
Haemodoraceae the Bloodwort Family |
1/1 | 13/100 | 1 species in FL: Lachnanthes caroliana Wikipedia page: Haemodoraceae |
Heliconiaceae the Heliconia Family |
1/1 | 1/200 | 1 species in FL: Heliconia latispatha Wikipedia page: Heliconiaceae |
Hydrocharitaceae the Frog's-Bit Family |
9/15 | 18/115 | Wikipedia page: Hydrocharitaceae (see also Najadaceae) |
Hypoxidaceae the Yellow Stargrass Family |
2/6 | 9/150 | Wikipedia page: Hypoxidaceae |
Iridaceae the Iris Family |
9/22 | 70/1750 | Wikipedia page: Iridaceae |
Juncaceae the Rush Family |
2/24 | 7/350 | Wikipedia page: Juncaceae |
Juncaginaceae the Arrowgrass Family |
1/1 | 4/15 | 1 species in FL: Triglochin striata Wikipedia page: Juncaginaceae |
Liliaceae the Lily Family |
3/8 | 16/600 | Wikipedia page: Liliaceae |
Marantaceae the Arrowroot Family |
2/2 | 31/550 | Wikipedia page: Marantaceae |
Mayacaceae the Bogmoss Family |
1/1 | 1/10 | 1 species in FL: Mayaca fluviatilis Wikipedia page: Mayacaceae |
Melanthiaceae the Melanthium Family |
7/12 | 17/186 | Includes Paris and Trillium, formerly of Trilliaceae. Wikipedia page: Melanthiaceae (see also Trilliaceae) |
Musaceae the Banana Family |
1/2 | 3/40 | 1 genus in FL: Musa Wikipedia page: Musaceae |
Nartheciaceae the Bog Asphodel Family |
2/7 | 5/35 | Wikipedia page: Nartheciaceae |
Orchidaceae the Orchid Family |
52/122 | 700/20,000 | Wikipedia page: Orchidaceae |
Poaceae the Grass Family |
116/440 | 668/9500 | Wikipedia page: Poaceae |
Pontederiaceae the Pickerelweed Family |
3/7 | 7/31 | Wikipedia page: Pontederiaceae |
Potamogetonaceae the Pondweed Family |
3/12 | 7/92 | Wikipedia page: Potamogetonaceae (see also Zannichelliaceae) |
Ruppiaceae the Ditchgrass Family |
1/1 | 1/7 | 1 species in FL: Ruppia maritima Wikipedia page: Ruppiaceae |
Smilacaceae the Smilax Family |
1/12 | 2/275 | 1 genus in FL: Smilax Wikipedia page: Smilacaceae |
Stemonaceae the Stemona Family |
1/1 | 4/29 | 1 species in FL: Croomia pauciflora Wikipedia page: Stemonaceae |
Tofieldiaceae the False Asphodel Family |
3/3 | 4/17 | Wikipedia page: Tofieldiaceae |
Typhaceae the Cattail Family |
2/3 | 2/25 | Wikipedia page: Typhaceae (see also Sparganiaceae) |
Xanthorrhoeaceae the Grasstree Family |
3/4 | 25/970 | Includes some (but not all) genera from the former families of Asphodelaceae and Hemerocallidaceae. |
Xyridaceae the Yelloweyed Grass Family |
1/24 | 5/375 | 1 genus in FL: Xyris Wikipedia page: Xyridaceae |
Zingiberaceae the Ginger Family |
6/6 | 50/1300 | Wikipedia page: Zingiberaceae |
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Dicots![]() |
Name | Genera/ Species in FL |
Genera/ Species total |
Notes |
Acanthaceae the Acanthus Family |
19/46 | 229/4000 | Wikipedia page: Acanthaceae (see also Avicenniaceae) |
Adoxaceae the Moschatel Family |
2/6 | 5/243 | Wikipedia page: Adoxaceae |
Aizoaceae the Mesembryanthemum Family |
6/8 | 134/1067 | Wikipedia page: Aizoaceae |
Altingiaceae the Sweetgum Family |
1/1 | 3/10 | 1 species in FL: Liquidambar styraciflua Wikipedia page: Altingiaceae |
Amaranthaceae the Amaranth Family |
14/49 | 175/2000 | Wikipedia page: Amaranthaceae (see also Chenopodiaceae) |
Anacardiaceae the Cashew Family |
7/12 | 70/850 | Wikipedia page: Anacardiaceae |
Annonaceae the Custard-Apple Family |
4/19 | 112/2150 | Wikipedia page: Annonaceae |
Apiaceae the Carrot Family |
27/50 | 434/3780 | Wikipedia page: Apiaceae |
Apocynaceae the Dogbane Family |
28/60 | 415/4700 | Wikipedia page: Apocynaceae (see also Asclepiadaceae) |
Aquifoliaceae the Holly Family |
1/15 | 1/405 | 1 genus in the family: Ilex. Wikipedia page: Aquifoliaceae |
Araliaceae the Ginseng Family |
8/15 | 43/1450 | Wikipedia page: Araliaceae |
Aristolochiaceae the Birthwort Family |
2/9 | 8/480 | Wikipedia page: Aristolochiaceae |
Asteraceae the Aster Family |
139/430 | 1620-23,600 | Wikipedia page: Asteraceae |
Balsaminaceae the Jewelweed Family |
1/3 | 2/304 | 1 genus in FL: Impatiens Wikipedia page: Balsaminaceae |
Basellaceae the Madeiravine Family |
1/2 | 4/20 | 1 genus in FL: Anredera Wikipedia page: Basellaceae |
Bataceae the Saltwort Family |
1/1 | 1/2 | 1 species in FL: Batis maritima Wikipedia page: Bataceae |
Begoniaceae the Begonia Family |
1/2 | 2/1400 | 1 genus in FL: Begonia Wikipedia page: Begoniaceae |
Berberidaceae the Barberry Family |
3/3 | 14/700 | Wikipedia page: Berberidaceae |
Betulaceae the Birch Family |
4/4 | 6/140 | Wikipedia page: Betulaceae |
Bignoniaceae the Trumpet Creeper Family |
15/17 | 110/800 | Wikipedia page: Bignoniaceae |
Boraginaceae the Borage Family |
14/31 | 145/2600 | Wikipedia page: Boraginaceae (see also Hydrophyllaceae) |
Brassicaceae the Mustard Family |
24/51 | 349/3501 | Wikipedia page: Brassicaceae |
Burseraceae the Gumbo-Limbo Family |
1/1 | 18/650 | 1 species in FL: Bursera simaruba Wikipedia page: Burseraceae |
Buxaceae the Boxwood Family |
1/1 | 5/110 | 1 species in FL: Pachysandra procumbens Wikipedia page: Buxaceae (see also Didymelaceae) |
Cabombaceae the Watershield Family |
2/3 | 2/6 | Wikipedia page: Cabombaceae |
Cactaceae the Cactus Family |
10/23 | 115/1400 | Wikipedia page: Cactaceae |
CALOPHYLLACEAE the Calophyllum Family |
1/2 | 12/279 | 1 genus in FL: Calophyllum Wikipedia page: Calophyllaceae (see also Clusiaceae) |
Calycanthaceae the Sweetshrub Family |
1/1 | 3/10 | 1 species in FL: Calycanthus floridus Wikipedia page: Calycanthaceae |
Calyceraceae the Calycera Family |
1/1 | 6/60 | 1 species in FL: Acicarpha tribuloides Wikipedia page: Calyceraceae |
Campanulaceae the Bellflower Family |
6/23 | 84/2400 | Wikipedia page: Campanulaceae |
Canellaceae the Canella Family |
1/1 | 6/15 | 1 species in FL: Canella winterana Wikipedia page: Canellaceae |
Cannabaceae the Hemp Family |
3/8 | 9/170 | Includes hackberries (Celtis spp.) which were formerly placed in Ulmaceae or Celtidaceae. Wikipedia page: Cannabaceae |
Capparaceae the Caper Family |
1/2 | 46/900 | Sometimes treated as part of a larger Brassicaceae. 1 genus in FL: Capparis Wikipedia page: Capparaceae |
Caprifoliaceae the Honeysuckle Family |
6/8 | 33/825 | Wikipedia page: Caprifoliaceae (see also Diervillaceae, Dipsacaceae, Linnaeaceae, Morinaceae, Valerianaceae) |
Caricaceae the Papaya Family |
1/1 | 6/43 | 1 species in FL: Carica papaya Wikipedia page: Caricaceae |
Caryophyllaceae the Pink Family |
19/44 | 86/2400 | Wikipedia page: Caryophyllaceae |
Casuarinaceae the Sheoak Family |
1/3 | 4/90 | 1 genus in FL: Casuarina Wikipedia page: Casuarinaceae |
Celastraceae the Stafftree Family |
9/13 | 78/983 | Wikipedia page: Celastraceae (see also Hippocrateaceae & Parnassiaceae) |
Ceratophyllaceae the Hornwort Family |
1/3 | 1/4 | 1 genus in the family: Ceratophyllum Wikipedia page: Ceratophyllaceae |
Chrysobalanaceae the Coco Plum Family |
2/2 | 18/521 | Wikipedia page: Chrysobalanaceae |
Cistaceae the Rockrose Family |
2/15 | 8/154 | Wikipedia page: Cistaceae |
Cleomaceae the Spiderflower Family |
2/7 | 9/247 | Sometimes treated as part of a larger Brassicaceae. Wikipedia page: Cleomaceae |
Clethraceae the White Alder Family |
1/1 | 2/83 | 1 species in FL: Clethra alnifolia Wikipedia page: Clethraceae |
Clusiaceae the Mangosteen Family |
1/1 | 25/854 | 1 species in FL: Clusia rosea Wikipedia page: Clusiaceae |
Combretaceae the Combretum Family |
6/8 | 15/414 | Wikipedia page: Combretaceae |
Convolvulaceae the Morning-Glory Family |
15/67 | 55/1640 | Wikipedia page: Convolvulaceae (see also Cuscutaceae) |
Cornaceae the Dogwood Family |
2/9 | 9/100 | Wikipedia page: Cornaceae (see also Nyssaceae) |
Crassulaceae the Orpine Family |
2/10 | 30/1380 | Wikipedia page: Crassulaceae |
Cucurbitaceae the Gourd Family |
11/18 | 120/900 | Wikipedia page: Cucurbitaceae |
Cyrillaceae the Titi Family |
2/2 | 2/2 | Wikipedia page: Cyrillaceae |
Droseraceae the Sundew Family |
2/6 | 3/110 | Wikipedia page: Droseraceae |
Ebenaceae the Ebony Family |
1/3 | 3/768 | 1 genus in FL: Diospyros Wikipedia page: Ebenaceae |
Elaeagnaceae the Oleaster Family |
1/2 | 4/106 | 1 genus in FL: Elaeagnus Wikipedia page: Elaeagnaceae |
Ericaceae the Heath Family |
16/32 | 120/3900 | Wikipedia page: Ericaceae (see also Empetraceae, Monotropaceae, & Pyrolaceae) |
Euphorbiaceae the Spurge Family |
21/98 | 240/6300 | Wikipedia page: Euphorbiaceae |
FABACEAE the Legume Family |
80/313 | 900/23,500 | Wikipedia page: Fabaceae |
- Subfamily: Caesalpinioideae | 160/2000 | Wikipedia page: Caesalpinioideae | |
- Subfamily: Mimosoideae | 58/3200 | Wikipedia page: Mimosoideae | |
- Subfamily: Faboideae | 450/11,500 | Wikipedia page: Faboideae | |
Fagaceae the Beech Family |
3/44 | 8/700 | Wikipedia page: Fagaceae |
Gelsemiaceae the Jessamine Family |
1/2 | 2/7 | 1 genus in FL: Gelsemium Wikipedia page: Gelsemiaceae |
Gentianaceae the Gentian Family |
6/22 | 87/1650 | Wikipedia page: Gentianaceae |
Geraniaceae the Geranium Family |
2/4 | 7/700 | Wikipedia page: Geraniaceae |
Gisekiaceae the Gisekia Family |
1/1 | 1/7 | 1 species in FL: Gisekia pharnacioides Wikipedia page: Gisekiaceae |
Goodeniaceae the Goodenia Family |
1/2 | 12/301 | 1 genus in FL: Scaevola Wikipedia page: Goodeniaceae |
Grossulariaceae the Gooseberry Family |
1/1 | 2/134 | 1 species in FL: Ribes echinellum Wikipedia page: Grossulariaceae |
Haloragaceae the Watermilfoil Family |
2/7 | 7/76 | Wikipedia page: Haloragaceae |
Hamamelidaceae the Witchhazel Family |
2/2 | 28/90 | Wikipedia page: Hamamelidaceae |
Hydrangeaceae the Hydrangea Family |
4/5 | 15/204 | Wikipedia page: Hydrangeaceae |
Hydroleaceae the False Fiddleleaf Family |
1/4 | 1/11 | 1 genus in the family: Hydrolea Wikipedia page: Hydroleaceae |
Hypericaceae the St. John's Wort Family |
2/34 | 10/316 | Wikipedia page: Hypericaceae (see also Clusiaceae) |
Iteaceae the Sweetspire Family |
1/1 | 3/18 | 1 species in FL: Itea virginica Wikipedia page: Iteaceae |
Juglandaceae the Walnut Family |
2/8 | 9/60 | Wikipedia page: Juglandaceae |
Krameriaceae the Ratany Family |
1/1 | 1/16 | 1 species in FL: Krameria lanceolata Wikipedia page: Krameriaceae |
Lamiaceae the Mint Family |
37/110 | 236/6500 | Wikipedia page: Lamiaceae |
Lauraceae the Laurel Family |
8/14 | 45/2200 | Wikipedia page: Lauraceae |
Lentibulariaceae the Bladderwort Family |
2/20 | 5/220 | Wikipedia page: Lentibulariaceae |
Linaceae the Flax Family |
1/11 | 16/167 | 1 genus in FL: Linum Wikipedia page: Linaceae |
LINDERNIACEAE the False Pimpernel Family |
2/6 | 15/146 | Wikipedia page: Linderniaceae (see also Plantaginaceae & Scrophulariaceae) |
Loasaceae the Loasa Family |
1/1 | 21/270 | 1 species in FL: Mentzelia floridana Wikipedia page: Loasaceae |
Loganiaceae the Logania Family |
3/8 | 15/205 | Wikipedia page: Loganiaceae (see also Strychnaceae) |
Lythraceae the Loosestrife Family |
7/16 | 31/610 | Wikipedia page: Lythraceae |
Magnoliaceae the Magnolia Family |
2/7 | 7/200 | Wikipedia page: Magnoliaceae |
Malpighiaceae the Malpighia Family |
5/6 | 65/1200 | Wikipedia page: Malpighiaceae |
Malvaceae the Mallow Family |
28/75 | 250/4200 | Wikipedia page: Malvaceae (see also Bombacaceae, Sterculiaceae, & Tiliaceae) |
Martyniaceae the Unicornplant Family |
2/2 | 5/17 | Wikipedia page: Martyniaceae |
Melastomataceae the Melastome Family |
3/12 | 180/5000 | Wikipedia page: Melastomataceae |
Meliaceae the Mahogany Family |
3/3 | 46/559 | Wikipedia page: Meliaceae |
Menispermaceae the Moonseed Family |
4/4 | 64/379 | Wikipedia page: Menispermaceae |
Menyanthaceae the Bogbean Family |
1/4 | 6/39 | 1 genus in FL: Nymphoides Wikipedia page: Menyanthaceae |
Molluginaceae the Carpetweed Family |
1/1 | 10/59 | 1 species in FL: Mollugo verticillata Wikipedia page: Molluginaceae |
Moraceae the Mulberry Family |
7/18 | 37/1179 | Wikipedia page: Moraceae |
Moringaceae the Horseradishtree Family |
1/1 | 1/4 | 1 species in FL: Moringa oleifera Wikipedia page: Moringaceae |
Muntingiaceae the Muntingia Family |
1/1 | 3/3 | 1 species in FL: Muntingia calabura Wikipedia page: Muntingiaceae |
Myricaceae the Bayberry Family |
1/3 | 4/48 | 1 genus in FL: Myrica Wikipedia page: Myricaceae |
Myrtaceae the Myrtle Family |
11/22 | 131/5000 | Wikipedia page: Myrtaceae |
Nelumbonaceae the Lotus Family |
1/2 | 1/2 | 1 genus in the family: Nelumbo Wikipedia page: Nelumbonaceae |
Nyctaginaceae the Four-O'Clock Family |
5/8 | 30/370 | Wikipedia page: Nyctaginaceae |
Nymphaeaceae the Waterlily Family |
2/12 | 6/60 | Wikipedia page: Nymphaeaceae |
Ochnaceae the Wild Plane Family |
1/2 | 38/420 | 1 genus in FL: Ochna Wikipedia page: Ochnaceae (see also Quiinaceae) |
Olacaceae the Olax Family |
1/1 | 25/113 | 1 species in FL: Ximenia americana Wikipedia page: Olacaceae |
Oleaceae the Olive Family |
6/23 | 24/700 | Wikipedia page: Oleaceae |
Onagraceae the Eveningprimrose Family |
3/46 | 20/650 | Wikipedia page: Onagraceae |
Orobanchaceae the Broomrape Family |
12/32 | 80/1570 | Wikipedia page: Orobanchaceae (see also Scrophulariaceae) |
Oxalidaceae the Woodsorrel Family |
1/7 | 5/700 | 1 genus in FL: Oxalis Wikipedia page: Oxalidaceae |
Papaveraceae the Poppy Family |
5/10 | 44/780 | Wikipedia page: Papaveraceae (see also Fumariaceae) |
Passifloraceae the Passionflower Family |
3/14 | 20/700 | Wikipedia page: Passifloraceae (see also Turneraceae) |
Paulowniaceae the Princesstree Family |
1/1 | 3/19 | 1 species in FL: Paulownia tomentosa Wikipedia page: Paulowniaceae (see also Scrophulariaceae) |
Pedaliaceae the Sesame Family |
2/2 | 11/34 | Wikipedia page: Pedaliaceae |
Penthoraceae the Ditch Stonecrop Family |
1/1 | 1/2 | 1 species in FL: Penthorum sedoides Wikipedia page: Penthoraceae |
Phrymaceae the Lopseed Family |
3/3 | 10/106 | Wikipedia page: Phrymaceae (see also Plantaginaceae & Scrophulariaceae) |
Phyllanthaceae the Leafflower Family |
5/16 | 58/2099 | Wikipedia page: Phyllanthaceae |
Phytolaccaceae the Pokeweed Family |
5/5 | 14/54 | Wikipedia page: Phytolaccaceae (see also Petiveriaceae) |
Picramniaceae the Bitterbush Family |
2/2 | 2/36 | Wikipedia page: Picramniaceae |
Piperaceae the Pepper Family |
3/11 | 5/3600 | Wikipedia page: Piperaceae |
Pittosporaceae the Pittosporum Family |
1/2 | 10/128 | 1 genus in FL: Pittosporum Wikipedia page: Pittosporaceae |
Plantaginaceae the Plantain Family |
19/58 | 110/1115 | Wikipedia page: Plantaginaceae (see also Callitrichaceae, Scrophulariaceae, & Veronicaceae) |
Platanaceae the Planetree Family |
1/1 | 1/8 | 1 species in FL: Platanus occidentalis Wikipedia page: Platanaceae |
Plumbaginaceae the Leadwort Family |
2/3 | 25/517 | Wikipedia page: Plumbaginaceae |
Polemoniaceae the Phlox Family |
2/8 | 20/380 | Wikipedia page: Polemoniaceae |
Polygalaceae the Milkwort Family |
1/23 | 20/950 | 1 genus in FL: Polygala Wikipedia page: Polygalaceae |
Polygonaceae the Buckwheat Family |
10/49 | 45/1100 | Wikipedia page: Polygonaceae |
Portulacaceae the Purslane Family |
2/7 | 16/278 | Wikipedia page: Portulacaceae |
Primulaceae the Primrose Family |
8/18 | 69/2580 | Wikipedia page: Primulaceae (see also Myrsinaceae, Samolaceae, & Theophrastaceae) |
Proteaceae the Protea Family |
1/1 | 62/965 | 1 species in FL: Grevillea robusta Wikipedia page: Proteaceae |
Putranjivaceae the Putranjiva Family |
1/2 | 3/216 | 1 genus in FL: Drypetes Wikipedia page: Putranjivaceae (see also Euphorbiaceae) |
Ranunculaceae the Buttercup Family |
10/31 | 60/2300 | Wikipedia page: Ranunculaceae |
Rhamnaceae the Buckthorn Family |
9/15 | 57/950 | Wikipedia page: Rhamnaceae |
Rhizophoraceae the Mangrove Family |
1/1 | 16/135 | 1 species in FL: Rhizophora mangle Wikipedia page: Rhizophoraceae |
Rosaceae the Rose Family |
16/50 | 90/3000 | Wikipedia page: Rosaceae |
Rubiaceae the Madder Family |
30/64 | 600/12,000 | Wikipedia page: Rubiaceae |
Rutaceae the Citrus Family |
9/20 | 160/1850 | Wikipedia page: Rutaceae |
Salicaceae the Willow Family |
5/12 | 55/772 | Wikipedia page: Salicaceae (see also Flacourtiaceae) |
Santalaceae the Sandalwood Family |
1/1 | 39/577 | Wikipedia page: Santalaceae (see also Viscaceae) |
Sapindaceae the Soapberry Family |
13/20 | 124/1478 | Wikipedia page: Sapindaceae (see also Aceraceae & Hippocastanaceae) |
- Subfamily: Dodonaeoideae | 1/2 | 2/67 | Wikipedia page: Dodonaeoideae |
- Subfamily: Hippocastanoideae | 2/6 | 4/187 | Wikipedia page: Hippocastanoideae |
- Subfamily: Sapindoideae | 10/12 | 117/1223 | Wikipedia page: Sapindoideae |
- Subfamily: Xanthoceroideae | 0/0 | 1/1 | Wikipedia page: Xanthoceroideae |
Sapotaceae the Sapodilla Family |
5/17 | 58/1271 | Wikipedia page: Sapotaceae |
Sarraceniaceae the Pitcherplant Family |
1/16 | 3/15 | 1 genus in FL: Sarracenia Wikipedia page: Sarraceniaceae |
Saururaceae the Lizard's Tail Family |
2/2 | 4/7 | Wikipedia page: Saururaceae |
Schisandraceae the Starvine Family |
2/3 | 3/71 | Wikipedia page: Schisandraceae (see also Illiciaceae) |
Schoepfiaceae the Graytwig Family |
1/1 | 3/44 | 1 species in FL: Schoepfia chrysophylloides Wikipedia page: Schoepfiaceae (see also Olacaceae and Santalaceae) |
Scrophulariaceae the Figwort Family |
5/9 | 87/985 | Wikipedia page: Scrophulariaceae (see also Buddlejaceae & Myoporaceae) |
Simaroubaceae the Quassia Family |
3/3 | 16/102 | Wikipedia page: Simaroubaceae |
Solanaceae the Nightshade Family |
14/58 | 100/2450 | Wikipedia page: Solanaceae |
Staphyleaceae the Bladdernut Family |
1/1 | 4/30 | 1 species in FL: Staphylea trifolia Wikipedia page: Staphyleaceae |
Styracaceae the Storax Family |
2/4 | 12/117 | Wikipedia page: Styracaceae |
Surianaceae the Bay Cedar Family |
1/1 | 4/6 | 1 species in FL: Suriana maritima Wikipedia page: Surianaceae |
Symplocaceae the Sweetleaf Family |
1/1 | 2/169 | 1 species in FL: Symplocos tinctoria Wikipedia page: Symplocaceae |
Talinaceae the Flameflower Family |
1/2 | 2/16 | 1 genus in FL: Talinum Wikipedia page: Talinaceae (see also Portulacaceae) |
Tamaricaceae the Tamarisk Family |
1/1 | 4/56 | 1 species in FL: Tamarix canariensis Wikipedia page: Tamaricaceae |
Tetrachondraceae the Tetrachondra Family |
1/1 | 2/3 | 1 species in FL: Polypremum procumbens Wikipedia page: Tetrachondraceae |
Theaceae the Tea Family |
2/2 | 7/250 | Wikipedia page: Theaceae |
Thymelaeaceae the Mezereum Family |
1/1 | 52/776 | 1 species in FL: Dirca palustris Wikipedia page: Thymelaeaceae |
Ulmaceae the Elm Family |
2/6 | 8/61 | Wikipedia page: Ulmaceae |
Urticaceae the Nettle Family |
8/19 | 52/1303 | Wikipedia page: Urticaceae (see also Cecropiaceae) |
Verbenaceae the Vervain Family |
11/33 | 35/1175 | Wikipedia page: Verbenaceae |
Violaceae the Violet Family |
2/12 | 24/800 | Wikipedia page: Violaceae |
Vitaceae the Grape Family |
4/11 | 14/800 | Wikipedia page: Vitaceae |
Zygophyllaceae the Caltrop Family |
3/6 | 25/280 | Wikipedia page: Zygophyllaceae |
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Totals | |||
196 families (41 monocot families, 155 dicot families) |