2004 Prestige
Growth Regulators Applied / Height graph
Graph shows projected plant heights during production of the crop. Dots are plotted actual height each week. Arrows indicate when PGRs are applied with details in the weekly notes. We use the “late” graphical tracking curve and heights are from bench to height of growing tip. Heights are plotted from date of pinching to projected date of finish.
The Prestige crop has finished on time and within the desired height range. The plants were actually developed enough for shipping a few days ago. The strategy of doing more to control earlier growth worked well. The residual from that reduced elongation in the late Oct. period, and the late drench was put on at the low end of the desired heights. Look at the methods we used on Cortez Burgundy to see just a slightly different strategy that was not as successful.
This crop is working out well and should finish on time.
The effects of the late drench applied last week can be seen in the reduced elongation this week. The crop should finish in about 2 weeks at around 15 inches.
This Prestige crop looks good now and we do not want it to elongate much more. So, we drenched today with Bonzi at 1 ppm, which should bring the height in at about 15 inches.
This Prestige crop is all showing color now and on pace for a Nov. 30 finish. The elongation rate has not been too great in our very warm temperatures of past couple of weeks. Now that we are about to have cooler weather, we will see how it develops.
First blush of color is starting on about 25% of this crop, which makes it on schedule for finishing about Nov. 30. The plants are growing fine and we anticipate them to continue at about this rate or to increase some.
The Prestige are doing fine and we will see how they grow now. Temperatures have been relatively mild, so we do not expect significant heat delay and we may see first blush of color next week.
This crop looks good at this stage. We are applying Cycocel at 1,250 this week. This will have only have a slight effect and help keep the growth at a moderate pace.
This Prestige crop is still showing the effects of the 2 sprays and the tightness of the new growth indicates it will hold for at least another week.
It is a good thing we sprayed this Prestige crop last week or we would be really trying to get it back under control. As it is, we have some room to work with now. We sprayed the low B-Nine/ Cycocel (1,000 ppm each) this week and will likely make another spray next week.
We want to keep good control over the Prestige, so we applied the standard rate (B-Nine/Cycocel at 1,500 ppm/1,250 ppm).
Prestige is off to a nice start and we will make the first spray next week.
Prestige has the very strong upright laterals. It was in our height control examples in '02 and '03. It can be a strong grower early, but does not stretch at the end. We will be a little aggressive with early PGR sprays. It responds well to the late drench, if that is needed.