2004 Freedom Red
Growth Regulators Applied / Height graph
Graph shows projected plant heights during production of the crop. Dots are plotted actual height each week. Arrows indicate when PGRs are applied with details in the weekly notes. We use the “late” graphical tracking curve and heights are from bench to height of growing tip. Heights are plotted from date of pinching to projected date of finish.
Our strategy for this Freedom crop worked well and the crop looks nice. While pollen was showing last week notice that there has been some additional elongation this week, which would have been even greater if the late drench had not been applied. Freedom looks better when it not allowed to stretch at the end and the late drench is a good tool for this variety.
This Freedom crop responded nicely to the late drench applied about 10 days ago. Pollen is showing on the first cyathia of all the plants now. While this crop is saleable in many markets, the plants will look much nicer in 5-7 days after more expansion of the 2nd and 3rd level bracts. Allowing these bracts to expand before shipping also keeps them from fading quickly due to not developing good color in low indoor lighting.
This Freedom crop was at 14 inches at the end of last week, and we drenched them with Bonzi at 1 ppm. They should finish fine now.
We would like for the Freedom to grow about 1 inch this next week. But if they are on a pace for 2 inches we will need to drench when they reach 14 inches. We will look at this crop again at the end of this week.
Visible bud is showing on about half of this Freedom crop. We want to drench when they reach 14 inches, which will likely be the end of next week.
Elongation was about 1.5 inches this week and the plants look like they will continue that pace for another week. They should be at 13-14 inches on Nov 2 and we will probably drench then. First color is showing now which is on schedule and indicates the crop will finish between Nov. 16 and 23.
As with most of the other crops, growth increased this week and this Freedom crop is in good shape now. We want elongation at less than 1.5 inches per week over the next 3 weeks and anticipate doing a late drench about Nov 2. With the much cooler temperatures coming this week, we are not spraying now. First color should be next week.
This crop looks to be in good shape at this time. The improved weather along with the sprays slowed elongation this past week. We anticipate the height will turn up more and they will be near the bottom of the curve next week.
This Freedom crop looks good. As we enter the linear portion of the growth curve we would like to keep this crop growing at a uniform pace out to about the first week of Nov., when we could apply a late drench. This week we again applied B-Nine/Cycocel at 1,000ppm each.
This crop has elongated nicely. We want to slow growth a little this week, so they were sprayed with B-Nine/Cycocel at 1,000ppm each.
We will make our first spray on this Freedom Red crop at week 2 or 3.
Freedom Red is a standard variety. It starts slow and then stretches rapidly at the end. Our strategy will be to use a little PGR early and finish with a late drench. Notice that we started the crop targeted for 14-16" earlier this year than last year.