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Information on wood decay fungi
Here are links to websites useful for identification of wood decay fungi (from: Glaeser, J.A. "Online resources for the identification of North American wood decay fungi." Arborist News Dec. 2012: 55-56. Print)
- Tom Volk's Fungi - an excellent introduction to fungi
- Forest and Shade Tree Pathology - and introduction to forest pathology
- Fungi on Wood - devoted exclusively to decay fungi with multiple field pictures
- Annotated Polypores of the Pacific Northwest - excellent key, heavy in mycological terminology; glossary provided
- Insects and Diseases of Canada's Forests - easily serachable by host species, fungal species, common name of decay or disease, or type of damage observed
- Forest Insect and Disease Leaflets - excellent source of information on tree diseases, some older leaflets might have outdated information
- Mykoweb - general mushroom site with excellent photography and fact sheets
- Mushroom Expert - general mushroom site with some keys, excellent photography, and descriptions
- Arboricultural Information Exchange - UK site devoted to fungi of interest to arborists
- Center for Forest Mycology Research - molecular and microscopic diagnosis of decay fungi