University of Florida

Home > Storm damage prevention > Treating storm damaged trees > Uprooted trees > Fallen trees > Standing and securing trees > Staking large caliper

Standing and securing trees after the storm

fallen treeSome trees that are blown over in hurricanes can make good candidates for standing up and staking. Others are not suited for standing up. Small trees, those less than about 4 inches diameter, have a better chance of generating new roots and becoming securing in the soil than larger trees.

One reason for this is that root generation from large (more than 3 inches diameter) broken or cut roots is less likely than from small (one inch diameter or less) broken roots. New roots are needed to hold the tree erect, and it is important that roots are generated all around the tree. Arborists that have stood trees up after storms are finding that those greater than 4 inches trunk diameter are more susceptible to falling over in subsequent storms than smaller trees. Some of this appears to be due to lack of root generation on large severed roots and some is due to root decay.