Home > Urban/suburban design > Street tree design > Canopy habit and form > Pyramidal
Pyramidal growth form

Trees with pyramidal form (excurrent growth habit), such as bald cypress, southern magnolia, and pin oak, frequently have a dominant central trunk far up into the canopy. They evetually cast abundant shade.
Trees with a dominant trunk are considered to be stroung and durable in urban landscapes. Little pruning is required to create this strong tree structure. However, lower branches on pyramidal trees often tend to droop toward the ground. These have to be removed regularly to allow pedestrian and vehicular passage beneath.
Several pruning may be required, but most of the work can be performed by crews on the ground. Crews that remove only drooping, lower branches need fewer skills than those pruning higher branches. The diameter of drooping branches on pyramidal-shaped trees is usually relatively small (see below), resulting in a small wound when removed.