Home > Urban/suburban design > Street tree design > Fruit and foliage
Fruit and foliage characteristics

Some trees produce large fruit and foliage that falls to the ground and clogs sewers. When large hard fruits from horsechestnut, hickories, pitch apples, and other trees are kicked up by car tires, they could hit windshields and startle drivers. Large, rounded fruits could also become projectiles.
Other trees drop soft, fleshy fruits that become slippery when they squash on the sidewalk or pavement, creating a potential slip hazard for pedestrians. Some produce fruit that rolls and causes slipping problems for pedestrians.
The fruit issue is less important if the nearby sidewalk is infrequently used or if there is no walk. It is also less important for a highway median strip, as pedestrians are usually a good distance from these trees.
Trees without these characteristics are often considered better suited for planting along streets and near parking lots, patios, and decks. Remember that no trees are completely "clean." All trees drop something during certain times of the year. Some are simply messier than others.