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Florida grades and standards for nursery stock 1998

Lets grade the tree pictured on the right:
- Step one: Grade the trunk (more details)(fancy - #1 - #2)
- Step two: Grade the branches (fancy - #1 - #2)
- Step three: Choose appropriate tree matrix
- Step four: Measure caliper
- Step five: Grade tree according to canopy spread (fancy - #1 - #2)
- Step six: Grade tree according to canopy uniformity (fancy - #1 - #2)
- Step seven: What is the lowest grade from steps 1, 2, 5 and 6 (#1)
- Step eight: Reduce the grade by one if any one of these conditions exist: tree >1" needs stake, root ball too small, B&B not secure, root bound (See: root bound), large roots out container bottom, thin crown (allow for time of year), >5% tip die-back
- Step nine: Reduce the grade by one if two or more of these conditions exist:,tree height is not in proper proportion, flush cuts were made, stubs present, open trunk wounds, grafts not complete, >40% clear trunk, more than 5% canopy infested, leaves smaller than normal, included bark, major branches touching.
- Step ten: Tree is a cull if a root larger than one-tenth trunk diameter in the top half of the root ball circling more than one-third around the trunk (See: cull).