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Trees planted this close to a building are a potential hazard
Trees are most stable in the ground when they develop a uniform root system distributed more or less evenly around the tree. When roots meet a building wall, they are deflected laterally, and in well drained soils some may grow downward. If a tree is close to a building the root system can become one sided and unbalanced.
Large-maturing trees planted within 10 feet of a one or two story building could become hazardous and blow over due to an unbalanced root system, especially if wind blows from the building side of the tree.
Trees growing in compacted and poorly drained soil would be most susceptible to this because there would be few if any deep roots helping support the tree in an upright position.
A tree with an open or narrow canopy is probably the most appropriate choice within 10 feet of a building. Plant a grove of them to create a closed canopy of shade in this area, if you wish. Small or medium-sized trees are also suitable for planting this close to a building.