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Magnolia grandiflora Greenback™, Greenback Magnolia
This is one of my favorite cultivars. Cultivar name is 'Mgtig' (no letters are missing from the cultivar name). Its dense canopy and rich, shiny green foliage make it a winner in any landscape. Southern Magnolia will thrive in a moist organic soil in full sun and hot conditions once established. Southern Magnolia prefers acid soil but will tolerate a slightly basic, even wet or clay soil. Some growers report that it is more difficult to maintain branches all the way to the ground on this cultivar.
Species occurs throughout north and central Florida south to Desoto County.
The root system is wider spreading than most other trees, extending from the trunk a distance equal to about 4 times the canopy width. This makes it very difficult to save existing Magnolia trees on construction sites, and makes transplanted trees recover slowly. Some nursery growers overcome this by regular root pruning programs and/or digging from a field nursery in mid-summer - this appears to help them recover quicker than those transplanted in the dormant season. Dormant season dug trees that are not root pruned often loose some to many interior leaves and canopies look quite thin for a period of months or a year or two. Field grown trees transplant best if root pruned regularly during the production period.
Trees tend to have a low failure rate meaning that branches break from
these trees less often than from some other trees. This plant is considered
mostly allergy free and causes little or no allergy problems in most people.