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Ilex latifolia, Lusterleaf Holly
Lusterleaf Holly looks its best if planted in an area receiving less than all-day sun and protected from strong winds. Plants receiving a few hours of shade look very nice although I have seen plants do nicely in full day sun with good soil such that in my yard in Gainesville. Not for exposed, windy, dry, full-sun areas, this Holly does well in partially shaded locations. Fertile, well-drained but moisture-retentive soils are best for this handsome evergreen. Foliage emerges in spring latter than many other plants, and usually only one flush of growth appears each year. This plant is considered mostly allergy free and causes little or no allergy problems in most people.
Plants will require only occasional pruning to maintain pyramidal form and a central leader and they can be espaliered on a wall or fence quite easily. The bold foliage of Lusterleaf Holly contrasts well with other plants and it is also a striking specimen planting on its own. Lusterleaf Holly can be clipped with hand pruners reducing the length of the longest branches each year, or it can be left to grow on its own into a dense screen when located in bright light, but has a more open crown in shade. It can be trained into a small tree by removing lower branches and reducing the length of co-dominant trunks. Plant 8 feet apart to create a screen.
is considered diffuse porous meaning that there is little difference in
size of pores between spring and summer wood.