Methods: Phase 1

Species evaluated in phase one included: Pittosporum tobira 'Variegata', Viburnum odorotissimum, and Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii Nana'. Shrubs were planted fall, winter, spring, and summer for two years. They were installed on 12 foot spacings and mulched with shredded hardwood to a depth of three inches. No mulch was placed over the root balls. Shrubs were planted at three locations in the state. Click locations link for more information.
Irrigation was delivered via three bubbler emitters; one located on the root ball and one located six inches to either side of the root ball edge. Three liters of water was applied at each irrigation event. Four irrigation frequencies were evaluated: every 2 days, every 4 days, every 8 days, and a gradual reduction treatment reducing frequency from every 2 days to every 8 days over the course of eight weeks. Shrub growth, root spread to canopy spread ratios and visual quality inspections were used to determine optimal irrigation frequency for establishment.