Methods: Preliminary Phase

Species evaluated in the preliminary phase included: Pittosporum tobira 'Variegata', Viburnum odorotissimum, and Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii Nana'. Shrubs were planted fall and spring 2004. They were installed on 6 foot spacings and mulched with shredded hardwood to a depth of three inches. No mulch was placed over the root balls. Shrubs were planted in hardiness zone 8b in north-central Florida.
Irrigation was delivered via three bubbler emitters; one located on the root ball and one located six inches to either side of the root ball edge. Three irrigation volumes (3, 6, or 9 liters) and two irrigation frequencies were evaluated (every 2 or 4 days). Shrub growth, root spread to canopy spread ratios and visual quality inspections were used to determine optimal irrigation frequency for establishment.