The Environmental Horticulture department offers assistantships and fellowships to highly qualified applicants on a competitive basis. it is imperative to obtain faculty support for your application given the limited nature of these funds.
Competitive applicants usually display:
- Bachelor’s degree with a gpa ≥ 3.3 in a major applicable to the graduate degree/research pursuit
- Overall GRE score ≥ 305
- Previous research and/or teaching experience in plant science-related field
- At least three strong letters of recommendation
Click here for our Assistantship/Fellowship Application Form.
The department awards half-time (0.5 fte) research (RA) and assistantships for M.S.-thesis and Ph.D. candidates. Assistantships cover stipend (minimum $25,600 at M.S. level and $30,000 at Ph.D. level) and tuition waiver. Graduate assistants typically pay for fees. Assistants may elect to enroll in GatorGradCare for a current monthly premium of $12.00. Faculty may provide additional funding to cover fees and health care in some cases.
We expect all graduate students to be actively engaged in various scholarly activities and professional development. Graduate assistant duties may include, but not be limited to assisting on grant and contract projects; teaching undergraduate courses; preparing manuscripts and conference presentation; coordinating research projects; writing literature reviews; collecting and analyzing research data, and supporting outreach activities.
Environmental Horticulture Fellowships
The Environmental Horticulture Department anticipates receiving at least one CALS Dean’s Award on an annual basis. The purpose is to offer highly competitive research/teaching assistantships to the department’s most attractive Ph.D. student. The CALS Dean’s Award is only available to new Ph.D. students entering during the fall semester. The CALS Dean’s Award is a 12-month fellowship awarded on a half-time (0.5 FTE) basis. currently, the CALS Dean’s Award provides a stipend at $32,000 per year for four years and a tuition waiver. CALS Dean’s Award recipients are responsible for fees and may elect to enroll in GatorGradCare ( for a monthly premium of $12.00.
UF Fellowship Opportunities
Bridge to the Doctorate Fellowship Program – The Bridge to the Doctorate (BD) Grant is awarded by the National Science Foundation through the Florida-Georgia Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (FG-LSAMP) to enhance recruitment and retention of underrepresented minority students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Application deadline for fall occurs mid-January of the same year.
FAMU Feeder Program – The Florida A&M University (FAMU) Feeder Program affords FAMU students the opportunity to receive advanced study in graduate programs not available at FAMU. Reserved for U.S. citizens or permanent residents who have graduated from Florida A&M University and who have participated in the FAMU Feeder Scholar program. Application deadline typically mid-April.
Florida BOE Summer Fellowship Program – PLEASE APPLY NO LATER THAN April 30. The UF Office of Graduate Initiatives selects a cohort of newly enrolled Ph.D. students to participate in a six-week summer program. The BOE program orients students to graduate education and promotes acclimation to the University of Florida.
Grinter Fellowship Program – This fellowship helps recruit truly exceptional Ph.D. students. Stipends are normally $2000 to $4000.
Madelyn Lockhart Dissertation Fellowship – The Association for Academic Women (AAW) at the University of Florida offers this fellowship to aid and recognize a Ph.D. candidate who is an outstanding researcher and has overcome challenges, helped others overcome challenges, or contributed to a larger sense of community on campus, locally, or more widely.
McKnight Doctoral Fellowship – An applicant must be African American or Hispanic, a U.S. citizen, and hold a minimum of a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university. Since this program is intended to increase enrollment in Ph.D. programs, currently enrolled doctoral students are not eligible to apply. Application deadline January 15th of each year.
McNair Scholars Program – The UF McNair Scholars Program supports undergraduate college students from low-income, first-generation and underrepresented backgrounds in their progress towards a doctoral degree. Application deadline for fall occurs late January of same year.
External Fellowships
- AAUW Financial Aid for Female Graduate Students
- Agricultural and Food Research Initiative Education and Workforce Development (USDA-NIFA)
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Scholarships and Other Awards
- Docking Drawer $1,000 Scholarship
- College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Student Awards, Travel Grants and Fellowships
Application website - Environmental Horticulture Department Graduate Scholarship Application
- Fastweb (scholarship search engine)
- Gates Millennium Scholars Program (open to under-represented students)
- Southern Regional Educational Board - Academic Common Market – SREB’s Academic Common Market enables students to pursue out-of-state college degrees at in-state tuition rates, through agreements among the states and colleges and universities.
- Tuition Waiver for International Students from Latin America – As part of Florida State Statutes, full-time graduate students from one of 23 countries in Central and South America are eligible for a non-resident tuition waiver, if they receive a federal or state scholarship of $500 or more per semester.
- University of Florida Search for Scholarships