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Trees of special concern

fallen tree

Here are some trees that need special attention.

  • Laurel oak -Trees decay as they reach about 40 to 60 years old; roots rot; bark inclusions cause weakness (See: inclusions)
  • Water oaks -Trees decay as they reach about 40 years old; roots rot; bark inclusions cause weakness
  • Turkey oak - Trees decay as they reach about 40 years old; roots rot
  • Southern red oak - Butt rot occurs on old tree
  • Chinaberry - Wood is weak; prevention is difficult
  • Red maple - Bark inclusions are common; branches with inclusions break easily in storms; preventive pruning can help minimize damage (See: inclusions, preventive pruning.
  • Mahogany - Multi-trunked and codominant habit causes failure in storms; this can be minimized with structural pruning (See: structural pruning).
  • Pines - Pine branches broke and trunks snapped; prevention is difficult
  • Peltophorum - Weak wood and poor structure resulted in breakage; preventively prune to help somewhat (See: preventive pruning)
  • Pecan - Poor structure resulted in breakage; trees can be preventively pruned to minimize this (See: preventive pruning)
  • Tulip poplar - Many planted trees blew down in the hurricanes; other report good survival of planted trees; check for and cut circling roots at planting
  • Southern redcedar - Weak wood breaks in strong storms; prevention is difficult.
  • Palms: queen and washingtonia especially.