2007 Prestige Red - Early Sprays
Growth Regulators Applied / Height graph
Graph shows projected plant heights during production of the crop. Dots are plotted actual height each week. Arrows indicate when PGRs are applied with details in the weekly notes. We use the “late” graphical tracking curve and heights are from bench to height of growing tip. Heights are plotted from date of pinching to projected date of finish.
This was an abnormally warm fall and this crop of Prestige Red illustrates that height control was unusually difficult. This crop finished at the top of our desired heights with 5 sprays and a late Bonzi drench. As example of the effect of these treatments is that in PGR experiments in other parts of the greenhouse the nontreated Prestige Red are over 20 inches. In retrospect, we should have been more aggressive with the first two sprays and used higher rates, but at that time we did not anticipate how difficult Oct. was going to be. Pollen is showing on this crop now and the plants are salable. However, they will look better with a few more days of development. The large amount of PGR applied has reduced the size of the transition bracts and the plants have a slightly tight appearance. Compare these plants with the other Prestige Red crop that received only Bonzi drench treatments.
This crop still looks like it will finish at 16 inches. The effect on bract size from the large amount of PGR that was applied is starting to show.
We are continuing to have warm sunny days. These Prestige Red still look like they will finish at 16 inches. We will see how they develop, but they look like they will be later than scheduled.
Our weather has finally cooled off and now we are having cool nights and warm sunny days. These plants showed a nice response to the drench applied last week. We do not expect much more growth and the crop likely will finish at about 16 inches. Color development is about a week behind and we will have to see how they develop in the next couple of weeks.
We had another week of temperatures well above average and several of the varieties reflect that in the amount of growth we are seeing. It has finally cooled off some and the next week is predicted to be about average. These Prestige Red are starting to show visible bud, but only a few are showing the very early signs of first color. So, the hot weather is delaying color development on this crop. The plants are about to finish too tall and we have decided to attempt to stop elongation even if we do not have adequate bract development for a late drench. We are applying a Bonzi drench at 1 ppm.
Temperatures are forecasted to continue well above normal. We only sprayed this crop once last week and they actually slowed more than we expected. We are spraying them again this week with Cycocel at 1,250 ppm since we would like to maintain the slower growth. The crop is 10 days or so from first color.
We should have used the B-Nine in combination with Cycocel last week. Our weather was near normal this past week, but is predicted to be warmer this week. So, we are going to have trouble with this Prestige Red crop. We are spraying now with Cycocel at 1,250 ppm and will probably spray them again at the end of the week.
Temperatures were 5-10 degrees above normal this past week and elongation in most of our crops reflected the higher temperatures. The forecast now is for average temperatures with sun. The high temperatures may have delayed initiation in this Prestige Red crop which will cause more height control problems. We need this crop to grow only 3 inches over the next 4 weeks and then we could do a late drench on Nov. 6. We are spraying this week with Cycocel at 1,250 ppm. Oct. 1 is our cut off date for using B-Nine. We were tempted to do the combination again today to achieve more control, but decided to stay with Cycocel alone. This crop may receive 1-2 more sprays.
Like this Prestige Red crop, all of our crops slowed down some this week. In addition to the PGR, we had a few cloudy days that kept day time greenhouse temperatures a little cooler. The weather is predicted to be well above average for this next week. The sprays are still affecting this crop and they will probably be at the top of the curve next week.
We are spraying this Prestige Red crop again this week with B-Nine and Cycocel at 1,000 ppm each. This should slow growth a little more and we will see what is needed next week.
So, where did all this growth come from? All of the crops in these height control examples and most of the others in our research and student crops are starting out faster than we can remember in a long time. We are spraying this Prestige Red crop with B-Nine and Cycocel at 1,000 ppm each, which is our low rate. We could have used a higher rate, but we have time to make stronger applications in the next two weeks.
This Prestige Red crop and the other Prestige Red and Prestige Early Red crops are elongating rapidly after the pinch. This may be because the cuttings were good and the weather has broken earlier than usual so the greenhouses are not too hot. At this point we are not too concerned and will see where the crop is next week. Prestige is not so vigorous that it will get out of control by the 2nd week after pinching.
We will be using sprays on this Prestige Red crop, but do not anticipate significant problems with Prestige on this schedule. We will likely make our first spray at 2 weeks after pinch.