University of Florida

Home > Pruning shade trees > Restoration pruning > Treating damaged and broken trees > More treating > Branches break

Branches break

seagrape with broken branchesAbout one-third of the foliage was removed in the storm. The tree can be pruned to help it develop good structure. The restoration process on this tree seeks to encourage growth in the stem on the left that was not damaged in the storm. Although this is not in the exact center of the tree, it looks like it is close enough to expect a decent structure to develop with some training.

Treatment: First the canopy should be cleaned by removing dead branches and reducing broken branches back to lateral branches were possible. It looks like this will be fairly simple in this tree. No heading cuts should be required on this tree. Sprouts can be managed beginning in a year or two to encourage good structure. This process will require several prunings over a period of five years or more. (See: Details of sprout management).

seagrape with broken branches
Close-up of photo above

seagrape with broken branches
Even closer look at the top of the canopy. Clean reduction cuts can be made back to live lateral branches. It is best to perform this now before sprouts emerge. Once sprouts emerge, it is more difficult to make good pruning cuts.