University of Florida

Home > Urban/suburban design > Street tree design > Promoting root growth in sidewalk cutouts > Sidewalk cutouts detail examples

Sidewalk cutout detail examples

sidewalk root illustration

A Trees in sidewalk cutouts that are even with the soil surface can raise the sidewalk quickly, because roots grow directly under the walk. A root barrier might help direct roots under the sidewalk and could prolong the life of the walk. However, deflected rootsoften come back to the surface farther from the tree.

B Roots can be directed well under the sidewalk by planting in a shallow well covered with a tree grate (grate not shown). If the end of the sidewalk rests directly on soil, roots growing directly beneath with well wall may raise the wall but not the sidewalk next to the tree. If the sidewalk rests on the well wall, it will be raised as roots grow beneath. A root barrier may help prolong the sidewalk life.

C Deep wells have been used successfully in well-drained soils in parts of California. They are not suited for poorly drained soil.