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Chorisia speciosa, Floss Silk Tree

Flowering best in full sun, Floss Silk Tree will thrive on any reasonably fertile soil with good drainage. It is not salt tolerant but does tolerate high pH. Grafted trees are preferred as they bloom earlier and at a smaller size. Trunks grow to be quite large with a swollen buttressed trunk. One resource says pollen can cause significant allergy symptoms; another one says it does not cause allergy symptoms.

Although most branches are horizontal and well-attached to the tree, upright branches can develop with included bark which can cause a branch to split from the trunk. Horizontal branches also can develop included bark. Prevent this by pruning the major limbs so they remain less than half the diameter of the trunk. Trees cast light shade under the canopy making it easier to grow turf under the tree than under other trees with a denser canopy.

Floss Silk Tree Photos

Floss Silk Tree Flowers

Floss Silk Tree Trunk

Floss Silk Tree Flower

Floss Silk Tree

Floss Silk Tree in Flower

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