University of Florida

Home > Tree selection > Uncommon trees zone 8-9 > Caladendron capense

Calodendron capense, Cape Chestnut

Not a common trees in drier climates where I have seen it but can be seen occasionally on campuses and in gardens. There is no history of this tree in Florida that I am aware of but it could be tried for its outstanding flower display.

Trees need to be regularly irrigated in the drier parts of its range to maintain the full canopy and moderate growth rate. Apply fertilizer each year or two to help maintain vigor and to allow the wonderful flower display to develop to its fullest potential. It adapts well to the heat of parking lot conditions if it is irrigated regularly in dry climates-may need less irrigation in Florida. It is well suited for planting near curbs and sidewalks since roots are less aggressive than those on larger-maturing trees. Pollen causes some allergy in certain people.

Prune early in the life of the tree to develop several major branches well-spaced along a central trunk. This will improve the durability of the tree compared to trees with many upright and spreading branches originating from one point on the trunk.

Cape Chestnut Photos

Cape Chestnut Tree in Flower

Cape Chestnut Leaves

Cape Chestnut Flowers

Cape Chestnut