University of Florida

UF Trial Gardens & Field Days

Trial garden

Located at the Gainesville, FL, campus, the gardens were started with the purpose of trialing vegetative cultivars to determine what crops and specific cultivars will perform in Florida. Over the years, we have grown to encompass both seed and vegetative entries.

We have two trial seasons each year – a cool season and a warm season trial. The cool season (winter) trial runs from December to May and evaluates plants for cold hardiness, flowering under short days (photoperiod response), and season-extending performance. The warm season trial runs from April to August and evaluates plants for garden performance during the cool spring months as well as heat and humidity tolerance during the summer months.

Whether you are a plant breeder, broker company, greenhouse owner, student, or gardening enthusiast, we hope that the gardens provide you with useful information as well as an enjoyable place to visit. Feel free to stop by and visit anytime you’re in Gainesville!

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Greenery with pink flowers

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