Gilman, E.F. and R.C. Beeson, Jr. |
1996 |
Nursery Production Method Affects Root Growth |
J. Environ. Hort. 14 (2): 88-91 |
This study compared growth and biomass distribution on two
commonly grown trees produced in plastic containers with those in fabric
containers and in the field. Shoot:root ratio on field-grown and fabric
container-grown laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia Michx.) was higher than on
holly Ilex x attenuata Ashe. 'East Palatka'). Ratios were similar for trees
grown in plastic containers. Compared to oaks, a larger portion of holly
root balls was comprised of small diameter roots. Root spread of field-grown
laurel oak was similar to those produced in fabric containers. Trees of
both species growing in plastic containers had several times more fine root
mass (roots 2 mm or less diameter) within the root ball than those dug from
the field or fabric containers. Total root ball root weight in plastic containers
was less than in field- and fabric container grown trees. Root weight inside
the root balls for field-grown and fabric container-grown tree was similar
but field-grown root balls were twice the volume. Only 17% (field) and 26%
(fabric containers) of holly root weight within the root ball was from roots
10 mm or less in diameter. However, 48% percent of root weight on trees
grown in plastic containers was in this diameter class. Between 68 and 84%,
depending on species and production method, of total-tree root weight was
inside the root ball. Between 10% and 18.1%, depending on species and production
method, of roots 2 mm or less in diameter was inside the root ball. |
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