Grabosky, J., E.F. Gilman, and C. Harchick


Use of branch cross-sectional area for predicting pruning dose in young field-grown Quercus virginiana ‘Cathedral’ in Florida, US

Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 6 (3): 159-167

Allometric relationships for trunk, first order branches and associated foliage were developed to develop a repeatable pruning dose for wind interception studies on Quercus virginiana Mill ‘Cathedral’. Three trees were dissected to develop relationships. It was determined that leaf mass was linearly related to the basal area of the primary branch, consistent with pipe model expectations. A pruning dose for leaf mass removal was defined by tracking basal branch areas and removing entire first order branches. Leaf mass was closely related to leaf surface area, however leaf mass varied with compass orientation while leaf area remained unchanged. The use of wood cross-section area conservation rules for branching in Lindenmayer (L-system) computer modeling is shown to be inconsistent with the data set, as is often observed in the field. The area conservation assumption is made to force taper into computer models, and departures are accepted by assuming heartwood formation forces imbalance into the model. The data set was developed from 3 year old or younger wood. The species is known to retain viable vessel elements in sapwood for at least 3 years in the areas surrounding the testing site. Since it is doubtful that there was heartwood or non-functional sapwood in the test trees, use of the area balance assumption for modeling by asserting heartwood influence is questionable.

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