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This web site is
designed to help guide you through the process of tree selection, and
provide a list of possible trees for your project in Florida and southeast
US hardiness zones 8-11 (Click
here if you live in zones 2-7). It is also designed
to provide extensive cultural and maintenance information, and many
photographs. This information was assembled through a grant from the
USDA Forest Service Southern Region through the Florida Division of
Forestry in cooperation with University of Florida and the Florida Yards
and Neighborhood project. The principle authors of this system are Drs.
Ed Gilman and Howard Beck, professors at University of Florida, and
Alison Boydstun, assistant in horticulture.
Using the Tree Selector
Tree Selector allows you to develop a list of trees. You develop the
list by choosing soil, site, and plant attributes. You can mark more
than one value of an attribute such as soil pH. This chooses trees that
can grow in soils with either one of the values of soil pH. On the other
hand, when you choose values for more than one attribute, such as acid
soil pH and tree height 25-50 feet, only trees with both attributes
will be listed. You may choose as many attributes as you like but remember
the list of matching trees diminishes as you pick more attributes. When
your plant list becomes very short or has no trees on it at all, start
over and choose fewer attributes.
here for more detail.