2006 Spring Trial Garden
Welcome to the University of Florida trial gardens! The gardens were started with the purpose of trialing vegetative cultivars to determine what crops and specific cultivars will perform in Florida. We have grown to encompass both seed and vegetative entries. The spring trial garden had over 650 cultivars from 15 suppliers.
Garden Information
Bed preparation
Bed pH was adjusted to 5.8 using iron sulfate and Osmocote 18-6-12, 8-9 month formulation, was applied at a rate of 25 lbs/1,000 ft2. Beds were tilled the first week of March. Beds were irrigated by drip irrigation once daily initially, and then less frequently as plants became established. Two inches of aged pine bark (provided by Graco fertilizer) was spread a week after planting. Peters 20-10-20 at 150 ppm was applied once at two weeks after planting.
Plugs and vegetative liners arrived weeks 8-10 (the end of February and beginning of March) and were transplanted into 80 mm Jumbo Ellepots (provided by Knox Nursery). Plants were grown in the greenhouse for three weeks and transplanted into the gardens the last week of March and beginning of April. Each plot contains nine plants in a 3x3 configuration and spaced 12" on center.
Most plants were pinched once prior to transplant in the gardens. After planting, the plants were not pinched or deadheaded during the season. Pesticides were not routinely applied.
Field Days
The 2006 Floriculture Field Days, hosted by the University of Florida and FNGLA's Floriculture Division, were held May 25 and 26 in Gainesville, FL. This event provided educational seminars, research displays, and field trials. The trial gardens showcased plant material supplied by leading industry companies and were the first opportunity to see new varieties for 2007 at an independent trial site. Thank you to all the sponsors who made this event a huge success!