University of Florida

2002 Monet Twilight - 6.5"

Growth Regulators Applied / Height graph

Graph shows projected plant heights during production of the crop. Dots are plotted actual height each week. Arrows indicate when PGRs are applied with details in the weekly notes. We use the “late” graphical tracking curve and heights are from bench to height of growing tip. Heights are plotted from date of pinching to projected date of finish.

Growth regulator height graph


Monet Twilight December 4th12/04

Week 49 - Warm falls such as this one are why it is important to plant very vigorous varieties like Monet later than varieties such as Freedom. We finished Monet within the desired height range, but it required a large amount of growth regulator, even with the delayed planting. Compare these Monet to the way are Success is finishing. Monet has larger bracts and are more vigorous at the end of the crop, so the cool temperatures do not have as much effect on bract development compared to Success.

Monet Twilight November 27th11/27

Week 48 - The drench put on the larger plants last week has made the crop more uniform. It appears they will finish about on schedule.

Monet Twilight November 20th11/20

Week 47 - We hit this crop with a lot of growth regulator early, but it is a very vigorous variety. The plants have started growing again, but the crop is more variable than we would like. We are applying a 1 ppm Bonzi drench to the tallest 75% of the plants.

Monet Twilight  November 13th11/13

Week 46 - This crop moved a little more this week and still looks good.

Monet Twilight  November 6th11/06

Week 45 - Even though there was little growth this week, we expect this crop to increase in elongation and finish within the height range. Color is showing this week.

Monet Twilight  October 30th10/30

Week 44 - There was not much elongation this past week, but the shoots look like they are just starting to move again. We will see where this crop is next week.

Monet Twilight  October 23rd10/23

Week 43 - As anticipated, elongation for this crop of Monet Twilight was much less this past week. We expect the plants to resume a more normal elongation rate this coming week or the following week. We are planning to apply a Bonzi drench when the plants are at 13-14 inches, which will probably be in two weeks.

Monet Twilight  October 16th10/16

Week 42 - The Bonzi last week worked well and the plants are still showing considerable effects from it. We expect less growth this next week due to the combined effects of the last spray and the cooler temperatures. Therefore, we are not spraying this week. We anticipate putting on a drench about Nov. 6, but if they grow one inch we will treat them next week.

Monet Twilight  October 9th10/09

Week 41 - These plants are a little taller than desired at this time, but the crop is not too bad for a variety this vigorous. We are spraying with Bonzi at 15 ppm this week.

Monet Twilight  October 2nd10/02

Week 40 - These Monet Twilight are continuing to grow a little more than we would like. Therefore, we will be a little more aggressive this week and spray B-Nine/Cycocel at 1,500/1,250 ppm.

Monet Twilight  September 25th9/25

Week 39 - this crop is in good shape after last week's spray. This week we will put on the low rate of B-Nine/Cycocel at 1,000/1,000 ppm and see what it looks like next week.

Monet Twilight  September 18th9/18

Week 38 - With this crop we want to be aggressive and make sure it does not get out of control during this weather. Therefore, we are going ahead and using B-Nine/Cycocel at 1,500 /1,250 ppm. Even if this turns out to be stronger than needed at this early stage, Monet has enough vigor to grow out of it later. If we did not spray this week, I am sure next week we would be applying our strongest B-Nine/Cycocel, which is 2,500/1,500 ppm.

Monet Twilight September 11th9/11

Week 37 - Monet is one of our more vigorous varieties and that is the reason we planted this crop a week later than Freedom. We will need to be a little more aggressive with the growth regulator applications on this crop.